If you are unable to publish or upload your website to our servers, identify the following first:
1. Can you login with the original FTP info? Refer to your 'Website Setup Confirmation' email that our support group
would have sent to you when your account was created.
2. Do you have enough disk space on the server to support your data you want to
upload? You can check this in your control panel.
3. Did you publish to the correct location on the server? Your website root is /httpdocs folder
4. Are you typing in the correct domain name?
a. Try using the IP Address of the server you are publishing to.
b. Try resetting your password in the Control Panel.
You can Access the Control Panel through our Management Portal: http://manage.inet7.com
If you continue to have trouble, please feel free to e-mail [email protected] or call 651-293-0837