How do I make a connection to my site with Dreamweaver?

 If you are using Dreamweaver, the following are instructions on how to connect to your virtual site online and modify your site:
1. Create a workspace: Choose 'Edit' --> 'Preferences' , in the preferences dialog, select the General categor, and then, in Document Options, click the Change Workspace button. (You will be able to change to Dreamweaver  workspace at this point if you choose.) Click 'OK', and then 'Close'.
2. Choose 'Site' and then 'New Site' from the Menu bar at the top of the Workspace area. In the Text Box, assign a unique name that encompasses the meaning of the Web Site. Choose 'Remote Info', select the drop-down arrow box, and select 'FTP', then type in your IP Address of the web server your site is hosted on, then type the 'Host Directory' which is the full path to your Web directory, or 'Root' directory to where your data file content will be uploaded so the site will be live.  In most cases this will be /httpdocs
3. Then type in your full username in the 'Login' area.  Finally, type in your current 'Password' information and click on the 'Test' button to test the connection.  If successful, you should get a confirmation that Dreamweaver was able to make a connection to the web server.
The instruction above will successfully connect you to Dreamweaver to make the necessary website changes.
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