You can check to see if a domain name is available by using our domain whois lookup tool at Or you could use the bulk options available directly from this page:
If the domain you want is unavailable, you can always e-mail [email protected] and ask for suggestions. We would be delighted to help you choose the right domain for your business or idea!
- 195 משתמשים שמצאו מאמר זה מועיל
מאמרים קשורים
How long does it take for a domain name to become active on the Internet?
For newly registered domains, they are relatively immediate but you should allow up to 24hours to...
How do I change my domain name servers to yours?
To change your name servers to Inet7's, you must log into your current domain registrar's...
How to register a domain name in the Management Portal
Registering a domain name with Inet7 is easy! For new customers, simply start at the...
What is Domain Verification?
What is domain verification? Domain verification has good intentions, but can sometimes cause...
How do I lock or unlock my domain?
Domain locking is a function at the registry level that will prevent any unauthorized transfers...