I receive an error when updating contact information on my domain. "Object status prohibits operation"

If you receive the following error while attempting to update contact information on your domain:

"Failed to update the contact in the registry: [420] Object status prohibits operation oxrs:xcp 2304:Object status prohibits operation (clientTransferProhibited,clientUpdateProhibited) - Failed to update the contact in the registry: [420] Object status prohibits operation oxrs:xcp 2304:Object status prohibits operation (clientTransferProhibited,clientUpdateProhibited)"

This means your domain name is "locked" within the control panel.

To Unlock your domain:
  • Login at http://manage.inet7.com
  • Select "Domains" from the top, then select "My Domains"
  • On the right-hand side of the domain, Click on the "wrench" icon
  • Click "Registrar Lock" from the menu on the left
  • Click "Disable Registrar Lock"
You may then go back to make changes to the contact(s) for your domain.

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