
Billing (9)

Billing related questions and answers

Cloud E-mail Protection (8)

Questions and Answers relating to our Standard Spam Filtering Service for Email

Cloud Security Products and Services (3)

Various security products and services to help protect your website, domain, computer or network.

Domains (11)

Information on what domains are and how to use them.

E-mail Hosting (45)

Everything you need to know about setting up and using E-mail services.

FAQ (27)

Commonly asked questions and answers.

Hosting Control Panel (12)

How to access and use the different areas of the Website Hosting Control Panel

Management Portal (13)

Questions and answers about the Inet7 Management Control Panel

SEO (1)

Tips and hints related to Search Engine Optimization and marketing your website

Website Hosting (8)

Questions relating to website hosting and common functions within the service

Website Publishing (10)

Methods of creating and publishing websites.

Populaarsemad artiklid

 The connection to the Microsoft Exchange server is unavailable. Outlook must be online or connected to complete this action

 Go to your Control Panel in Windows --> Mail --> View -->Change or View Existing Mail...

 I receive an error when updating contact information on my domain. "Object status prohibits operation"

If you receive the following error while attempting to update contact information on your...

 How do I access my webmail account?

You can access your email from our webmail interface by typing in the following address in a web...

 How do I backup my .pst file from my Microsoft Outlook profile?

  To retrieve the .pst file from your computer to backup onto a USB or external Hard-drive,...

 Setting Up POP Email On your iPhone or iPad

To setup your iPhone or iPad to send receive e-mail, please do the following:1.  Go to Setting...