While the Cloud E-mail Protection system is set to automatically create a user quarantine based...
Daily Quarantine Digest / ReportEach day at around 6:00am CST, the system will send each user a report of the e-mails Quarantined...
How do I report a message as spam?While the spam filter is able to block the majority of spam sent to a users mailbox, even the...
Searching The Spam Filtering Service LogsOn occassion, a user may wish to search for a message sent to them by a particular user. The...
Spam & Virus Filter for Premium Cloud FilteringIncluded with Inet7's CloudMail and optional for Cloud Hosted Exchange Services is a our Premium,...
Viewing Quarantined E-mail MessagesIf you wish to login and view your quarantine live, you can do so by visiting...
What is the Cloud E-mail Protection Service?Our Cloud E-mail Protection service is a Spam & Virus filter for your e-mail. While this...
Whitelisting / Blacklisting E-mail SendersEach user can create and maintain a list of users they wish to either receive e-mail from, or...