CloudMail Email Client Configuration

Configuring your CloudMail email client

Manual Configuration and server settings (for Outlook):


1.  Open your Mail Control Panel.  To do so, navigate to Start > Control Panel > Mail.

2.  Create a new mail profile (or add you CloudMail account to an existing profile) using these settings:

Incoming Server (IMAP/POP3).  Choose which type and use the settings below:

POP3 Server:
IMAP Server:

  •  imap  -  Encryption: SSL (required)  Default secure Port: 993
  •  pop3  -  Encryption: SSL (required)  Default secure Port: 995

Outgoing Server (SMTP):

  •  -  Encryption: TLS/StartTLS (Required)  Port: 587

Webmail/Reading Email Online:



Outlook Configuration Screenshots:

Additional entries under "More Settings": 



The outgoing server requires TLS authentication or can be left at 'None'.



Please note, the incoming server requires SSL.

Incoming Ports:

IMAP:  993
POP:  995

Outgoing server:

Port:  587
Encryption:  TLS or None

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