Securing your account is essential. To setup 2-factor authentication (Multi Factor Authentication) for your Microsoft Hosted Exchange or office account using your phone, follow these steps:
1. go to
2. Login with email, choose "Work or School Account" if the options shows
3. Stay Signed in = Choose Yes
4. "Help Us Protect Your Account" Click Next
5. Microsoft Authenticator Page, you don't need the app, choose "I want to set up a Different Method" link in bottom left of Window;
6. "Choose a Different Method" window, use the drop-down to select phone, Click Confirm;
7. Enter your cell phone number, select "next" and you will receive a text;
8. Enter this code and follow the instructions to complete the 2FA setup.
Your account is now secure and anytime you log into office using the web, or your phone app during setup, you will be sent a text to verify it is you.