If you have staffing changes, or a new webmaster or IT group is helping you, they need to be...
Are there any hidden charges with your service?No, there are no hidden charges for our service and you will not receive any unexpected invoices...
Can I transfer my domain name to Inet7?Yes you can transfer a domain from another registrar to Inet7. The fee charged is the equivalent...
Changing or Updating Contacts On a DomainIf you need to change the information for a contact on your domain name, you can do so through...
Creating & Managing Support, Billing or Sales TicketsWithin the customer portal, is a very powerful support system. This system allows you to...
Forgotten Password to Customer Management PortalIf you have forgotten your password to the customer management portal, you can click the...
How do I access PhpMyAdmin to manage my database?Each Website and E-mail hosting package offered by Inet7 includes a control panel. From this...
How do I add or update a credit card on my account for automatic payments?To add or update a credit card on your account for automatic payments: Login...
How do I create a database in the hosting control panel?Each Website and E-mail hosting package offered by Inet7 includes a control panel. From this...
How do I create an E-mail Address?Each Website and E-mail hosting package offered by Inet7 includes a control panel. From this...
How do I create an FTP user to publish my website?Each Website and E-mail hosting package offered by Inet7 includes a control panel. From this...
How do I create an e-mail forwarding address?Each Website and E-mail hosting package offered by Inet7 includes a control panel. From this...
How do I install Wordpress for my website?Each Website and E-mail hosting package offered by Inet7 includes a control panel. From this...
How do I log into the Management Portal?All services with Inet7 can be controlled through a single interface known as our Customer...
How do I log into the hosting control panel?Each Website and E-mail hosting package offered by Inet7 includes a control panel.From this...
How do I migrate my wordpress website to Inet7?Migrating a Wordpress Website from one server to another is easy, but requires some careful...
How do I password protect a directory on my website?Each Website and E-mail hosting package offered by Inet7 includes a control panel. From this...
How to register a domain name in the Management PortalRegistering a domain name with Inet7 is easy! For new customers, simply start at the...
My credit card address is different than my company or personal address.If you need to add a card that has either a different name or billing address than your primary...
My website and email is down, what do I do?If you are unable to access your website or not able to send or receive email and have tried...
Reviewing, Adding or Changing ServicesTo Review the services you have with Inet7: Login at http://manage.inet7.com Click Services...
Setting Security Question In Customer Management PortalTo aid in the security of your account when calling for support or to help you retrieve a...
Setting Up POP Email On your iPhone or iPadTo setup your iPhone or iPad to send receive e-mail, please do the following:1. Go to Setting...
Updating Contact / Billing Information, or Adding Billing and Technical ContactsTo update your information with Inet7: Login at http://manage.inet7.com Click your name then...
What type of support do you offer?We offer many types of support to our customers. You can contact any one of our departments...
Working from Home? Simple Way To Securely Connect To Your Office ComputerRecently, we've seen an influx of users that need to work from home, either by choice or by...